Acid Sun Teaser

I swear we’re working hard to get our album released, but it’s hard when you get distracted and write new music instead. This one won’t be on our upcoming album, but will certainly become a part of our live set as soon as we get to play out again.

“Lucid” Highlight Clip

Alternate edit of our “Lucid Quarantine Edition” with a more focused perspective as opposed to the 4×4 split screen. There’s a lot of layers to this song and it’s one that we love playing live. Also one of the best solos we’ve ever written.

Lucid (Quarantine Edition) – Full Band Playthrough

Doesn’t beat actually playing live, but what else can you do when you can’t get together for band practice and you can’t play any shows? We’re definitely missing playing together as well as playing live shows so we finally put together a band playthrough video. Intrinsic Gray – Lucid (Covid-19 Quarantine Edition) Written and arranged …